sexta-feira, 3 de abril de 2009

A holografia que não é holografia

Segue um comunicado da VizRT para o NAB 2009. Eles farão demonstrações de holografia aplicada à TV. Embora seja uma aplicação muito interessante inclusive para publicidade e outras loucuras, há várias contestações quanto ao uso da designação "holografia" como podem ver em: Por outro lado, o avanço do 3D deve torna esse desejo numa realidade em 10 anos.
Vejam alguns desenvolvimentos feitos pelo mundo, inclusive na Unicamp, em:$per_page=24
Aqui vai o exemplo da 'holografia' usada pela CNN:
Abaixo, o comunicado da VizRT:

Vizrt (SL5508) will host an exclusive in-booth demonstration of its ‘holographic-effect’ technology for members of the media on Tuesday, April 21st at 8:30AM. STATS and Vizrt are exhibiting from neighboring locations at NAB and this special demonstration will be seen from both companies’ exhibit areas.“Since we announced our plans to conduct in-booth demonstrations for NAB attendees, members of the media have clamored for their own opportunity to see the holographic effect up close,” said Bjarne Berg, CEO for Vizrt. "The press event is an exciting opportunity for us to demonstrate it and show broadcasters how they can use it to their advantage. " “The press demonstrations will provide a wonderful opportunity to display the versatility of this product both in term of potential uses as well as set up and size,” said Brian Kopp, Vice President at STATS. “We look forward to demonstrating the product and answering any questions about the technology.The holographic effect proved very effective in drawing viewers to CNN’s election night coverage, with an estimated 13 million viewers tuning in. It is poised to redefine the remote interview, creating the appearance of a face-to-face exchange. The transmission is seamless, provides high optical quality and eliminates the traditional split-screen view and production sequences of typical remote interviews.This innovative video treatment is comprised of STATS’ video processing and tracking technology, along with Vizrt’s real-time tracking and rendering software. The impression of the holographic interview is completed in fractions of a second.Multi-participant interviews are possible, changing the scale of the hologram subject or using the image in post-production to create intriguing promos.
Saudações,Fernando Gaio

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